Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tamara's Birthday Hike to Calabasas Peak

Tamara and I hiked up near Calabasas Peak in southern California on her birthday. It was a beautiful sunny California day and not too hot for this Northwesterner. We hiked leisurely up the mountain taking zillions of pictures as we climbed. I don't think we actually made it to the top of Calabasas Peak as we missed the side trail that went up there but we still had spectacular views from the top of the mountain we did make it up. Our hike was almost 4 miles with elevation gain of almost 900 feet (at least according to google maps). So nothing too strenuous just a great day to enjoy the sunny weather. Did I mention it was sunny? You can tell that I was loving it coming from the rainy northwest.

Google map of our hike

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