Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Naches & Dewey Lake Hike

Yesterday, my friend John and I decided to visit Mt Rainier and hike. It was a beautiful day as Sept often is in the northwest. Kevin couldn't join us as the Sprinter Van project has taken over his life.

We had no specific plans as how far or what we were going to hike just wanted to enjoy the day in the park. We ended up hiking the Naches and Dewey Lake trails which are near Chinook pass. Somehow it turned out to be 9.5 miles with 2400 feet elevation gain.

 Sometimes you run into interesting people on the trail. Yesterday, we met two.
The first was Ron Ulrich. Ron is a Pacific Crest Trail through hiker. So far he has hiked 2200 miles which is a great accomplishment but what made Ron interesting was that he was hiking in a wedding dress. He motto "26 weeks, 26 wedding gowns, 2600 miles on the PCT". Check out his story at
A little further on down the trail, we met a guy who was using a pole saw as his hiking pole. He said the saw end helped him to climb rocks and chase away bull elk. So I guess it takes all kinds.

Enjoy the pictures

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